This is why you should watch ‘Booksmart’ in lockdown

Emily Gunn
4 min readJan 21, 2021


Things have got hellish recently, so hellish that my routines are horrifically in sync during the lockdown. If I don’t make three cups of tea between 13:00 and 15:00, or the delivery man doesn’t bring an amazon package between 16:32 and 17:02, my world is upside down. I’ve replaced doing my make up with hoovering. Remembering my days of wildness, I was in need of some reckless humour if I was ever to be welcomed into my circle of friends again. In stepped the movie Booksmart”.

Booksmart (Amazonprime)

I’m sure many anxious people have resorted to breathing exercises in their bedrooms to ground their minds in lockdown. What probably didn’t happen, was that their online teacher paused their session to say, “FUCK THOSE LOSERS. FUCK THEM IN THEIR STUPID FUCKING FACES.” Well, that’s what American high schooler Molly chants to begin her day. Perhaps we should all give it a go?

Starting the movie accompanied by the song lyrics of ‘I’m a bad motherfucker yeh' Molly simultaneously chests pumps whilst robot dancing down the stairs of her families LA condo. It’s not giving a flying f*** at it’s sweetest. These two soulmates rock up at school like Kanye West stage crashing a trophy speech. What’s the best part about their body rolling confidence? They’re scandalous geeks.

Booksmart (Amazonprime)

As you get drawn in by the voice of Lizzo, the hilarious gags between these two ladies become a catalog of memories for viewers at home. It’s true no one actually misses school, but nearly everyone aches to find the banter ricocheting out of a classroom. This movie provides the best of it. From ‘Shakespeare in the parking lot’ to mouth eating competitions with fries, it will make you crave your foolishness days to the core.

Not only does the smart and beautiful director Olivia Wilde explore some inspiring themes, such as having a lead queer female chase after an androgyny teen, but the director generates lines not even Frankie Boyle would shout at his comedy shows. “Do you know how many girls will be up your vagina next year?” Molly says while cradling Amy on the school bench as they think about their future. It wouldn't be a comedy without some crude threats from bullies taking the girl's motivation to a new level, making you jump around your living room like an excited little minion.

If anyone deserves compliments in these miserable pale months, it’s us isolating hermits. The story goes on to warm your insides because of the sincerity between the girls. When dressing up for a college party in french berets and boiler suits, Molly screams, “This is not acceptable” followed by “WHO ALLOWED YOU TO, TAKE, MY BREATH, AWAY”. The effortless jokes will make you appreciate your weirdest and dearest comrades.

Booksmart (Amazonprime)

As you find comfort in their silly missions, watching these scenes brings back your stupidity during childhood. Back when you had no worries, before considering who you’re murdering with your germs walking on the pavement, being weird used to be relatively easy. Being adventurous was second nature a year ago. With Molly proudly expressing her secrets, like masturbating with an electric toothbrush, the Morecambe & Wise double act show their natural comedic connection.

You’ll be ordering a boozy package for one on Saturday night after finishing this tale. Watching porn in the back of their principal's car, becoming dolls on narcotics, and rocking to ‘Wildfire’ on karaoke, everything about this film gives you entertainment. Not only do the two leads prove how special our friends are to us, but their insane plotlines make you remember our crazy days before the world took a pause. Watch, laugh, gaggle, and kick. We will one day be partying our butts again with attitude. All hail the bookworms!

Booksmart (Amazonprime)

